Going Forward, Going Back: Covid pandemic where to from here?

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David S Briggs, AM, Editor in Chief
Godfrey Isouard, Invited Contributing Editor


‘Going forward, going back: Covid pandemic where to from here? It is a collaborative effort that raises concerns and perceptions based on events predominantly but not entirely Australian and the events traversed continue to ‘be in play’ as we write. Some authors also to some extent editorialise in their articles, particularly in contrasting between different nation states approaches to the pandemic. We make no claim to having the solutions but believe we have raised issues that need further consideration in future debate about health systems approaches to pandemics.....

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How to Cite
Briggs, D. S., & Isouard, G. (2020). Going Forward, Going Back: Covid pandemic where to from here?. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 15(3), 3-6. https://doi.org/10.24083/apjhm.v15i3.487