Determinants of Nursing Performance in Sandi Karsa Hospital, Makassar City, Indonesia

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Abdul Muhaimin
Balqis Nazaruddin
Indar Indar
Sukri Palutturi
Vonny Palopadang
Masni Masni
Andi Agus Mumang


Nursing performance is an aspect that demonstrates the fulfillment of a nurse's duties and responsibilities. This study aimed to analyze the determinants of nurse performance in Sandi Karsa Hospital Makassar City. This is a quantitative research using a cross-sectional study design. The sample consisted of 93 nurses collected through exhaustive sampling method. Data collection was performed using questionnaire instruments and analyzed using chi-squared and multiple linear regression tests. The results showed that there was a relationship between skills (p=0.024), compensation (p=0.005), workload (p<0.001), job design (p=0.020) and knowledge (p<0.001) with the performance of nurses in performing nursing care. Meanwhile, there was no relationship between attitude and performance of nurses (p=1.000). Workload had the most influence on nurses’ performance (B=2.729; SE=0.743; Exp(B)=15.322; p<0.001). This study concludes that some factors are associated with nurses' performance, with workload being the most determining factor.

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How to Cite
Muhaimin, A., Nazaruddin, B. ., Indar, I., Palutturi, S. ., Palopadang, V. ., Masni, M., & Mumang, A. A. (2024). Determinants of Nursing Performance in Sandi Karsa Hospital, Makassar City, Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 19(3).
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