Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 2024-07-01T19:20:03-07:00 Yaping Liu Open Journal Systems <p>The Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management (APJHM) is a peer-reviewed journal for managers of organisations offering healthcare and aged care services. The APJHM aims to promote the discipline of health management throughout the region by facilitating the transfer of knowledge among readers by widening the evidence base for management practices.<br /><br />*Print 1(1);2006 - 5(1);2010 Online 4(2);2009 - current<br />*ISSN 2204-3136 (online); ISSN 1833-3818 (print)</p> A cross sectional Study of Nurse THE EFFECTS OF LEADER MEMBER EXCHANGE AND PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT ON TURNOVER INTENTION THROUGH JOB SATISFACTION AS A MEDIATION VARIABLE 2024-07-01T19:20:03-07:00 Maghfirah Ekasari <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Maghfirah Ekasari Nadir. </strong>&nbsp;Analysis of The Effects of Leader Member Exchange And Perceived Organizational Support on Turnover Intention Through Job Satisfaction As A Mediation Variable (Supervised by <strong>Fridawaty Rivai </strong>dan <strong>Lalu Muhammad Saleh)</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Keywords : Leadership, Hospital Administration, Nurse Burnout, Human Resourch Development</p> Copyright (c) Leaders, Followers and Depth of Connection 2024-06-30T20:51:42-07:00 Mark Avery Mindaugas Stankunas <p>Leading and leadership are fundamentally about relationships between a leader and those who want to follow to achieve directions through an influencing relationship [1]. Critical relationship issues involve trust, communication and mutual respect. In healthcare, how these issues are nurtured and managed enhances teamwork, quality, productivity and impact or success of organisation and systems.</p> <p>A key aspect of the leadership process is for leaders and followers to engage effectively and constructively to achieve the articulated goals and objectives set out by the leader(s). Various leadership styles articulate the mechanisms and ways of leaders and followers connecting. An interesting way of looking at how a leader might relate to a team or group is to consider social identity theory.......</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00-07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dr Mark Avery, Mindaugas Stankunas