Welcome to the final issue of the College’s Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management for 2023

Main Article Content

Dr Neale Fong


As the year draws to a close for many of us it is often a time of reflection and thanks. We are a privileged workforce in healthcare as we get to not only apply our training in scientific and technical capabilities, but the compassionate care that our patients and their families need in times of ill-health.

For some this year will have brought many challenges, both professional and personal, and I hope that as you reflect you will take time to acknowledge your resilience in the face of these challenges. 2024 is going to be another massive year for all of us in healthcare, and I relish the opportunity of interacting with many of you throughout the coming year. Finally, special thanks to Dr Mark Avery our editor and Yaping Liu who helps put this journal together so professionally.

I wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy Festive Season. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Fong, N. (2023). Welcome to the final issue of the College’s Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management for 2023. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 18(3). https://doi.org/10.24083/apjhm.v18i3.3247
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