Antecedents For the Adoption of Telemedicine in India: Scale development and validation

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Rohit Raheja
Pranab Kumar Pani
Sadia Riaz


Background: Telemedicine is increasingly recognized as a promising solution to healthcare challenges in India, particularly in remote areas. However, the country's vast population and geographic diversity present significant obstacles to providing accessible and high-quality healthcare services to all citizens. By leveraging technology, telemedicine has the potential to bridge this gap and enable remote delivery of medical services.

Objective: This study aims to develop and validate a scale that assesses the factors influencing the adoption of telemedicine in the Indian context. Understanding these factors is crucial for identifying key drivers and barriers to telemedicine adoption in India.

Design: Quantitative methods were employed for scale development. The instrument development process involved several stages: factor identification, item generation, pre-testing, pilot testing, and scale validation. A structured questionnaire was administered to healthcare professionals, industry experts, and patients who have used or intend to use telemedicine.

Setting: Confirmatory factor analysis and subsequent tests, such as reliability and validity tests were conducted to establish the internal consistency of the scales. These statistical analyses aimed to identify underlying factors and ensure accurate measurement of latent variables that affect the adoption of telemedicine.

Results: The study established a robust scale to assess the five key factors, which are the vital explanatory variables in telemedicine adoption in India. These meticulously validated scales, encompassing technology, government policy, user attitudes, societal demand, and healthcare professional perspectives, demonstrate high reliability and validity in understanding the adoption dynamics of telemedicine in the context of India.

Conclusion: This research offers a validated scale for assessing telemedicine adoption in India, crucial for healthcare service providers, policy makers, and researchers in this field. It enables informed decisions in implementing telemedicine, addressing unique challenges and opportunities, and significantly contributing to optimizing healthcare delivery across India's diverse socio-economic and geographical landscape.

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How to Cite
Raheja, R., Pani, P. K. ., & Riaz, S. (2024). Antecedents For the Adoption of Telemedicine in India: Scale development and validation. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 19(3).
Research Articles
Author Biography

Rohit Raheja, SP Jain Global School of Management, Sydney, Australia

DBA Scholar, SP Jain School of Global Management, Sydney, Australia