Building Psychological Health in Undergraduates with the Application of A Classroom-Based Positive Psychology Educational Intervention: A pilot study

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Tanuja Khan
Dr. Amit Kumar Nag


Background: Stress and depression have been increasing among undergraduates in India. The psychological wellbeing of undergraduates in India has become a critical focus of attention for the education community. Evidence shows that positive psychology interventions can be effective in enhancing psychological wellbeing and may help prevent stress and depression in undergraduates. In this study, we aimed to explore the potential effect of positive psychology educational interventions on improving the psychological health of Indian undergraduates.

Methods: A 10-week classroom-based positive psychology educational intervention was conducted at the Bhopal School of Social Sciences, Undergraduate Institute (MP), India. Institute undergraduates  in their second and third years participated . The participants’ self-reported data on psychological health and self-efficacy were collected and analyzed at pre-intervention (n= 45) and post-intervention (n=45) times. The instrument's reliability and validity were checked with the help of SEM (Structural Equation Model) software. The same software was used for data analysis.

Results: The analysis showed that the psychological health of the undergraduates improved after the intervention. Their mean scores on psychological health and self-efficacy were significantly improved, while the symptoms of stress and depression were significantly reduced.

Conclusions The study highlighted that a positive psychological intervention improves the psychological health and self-efficacy of undergraduates, even mitigating digital fatigue challenges.

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How to Cite
Khan, T., & Nag, A. K. . (2024). Building Psychological Health in Undergraduates with the Application of A Classroom-Based Positive Psychology Educational Intervention: A pilot study. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 19(3).
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Tanuja Khan, Department of Psychology, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences (BSSS), Bhopal, India

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, The Bhopal School of Social Sciences (BSSS), Bhopal, India

Dr. Amit Kumar Nag, BSSS Institute of Advanced Studies (BSSS IAS), Bhopal, India

Professor, BSSS Institute of Advanced Studies (BSSS IAS), Bhopal, India